Friday 27 February 2015

Anatomy Master Study

Here is a full body master study I painted. I actually learned a lot and quite enjoyed painting this, normally the thought of practicing drawing anatomy is really annoying and seen like a chore, but I've learnt so much doing this. Even though there are some aspects of this painting that are wrong/misshapen, I feel that the overall position is strong. 
I'm going to do more of these studies in the future but for now and for this project I feel like I should move on and start to think about my final piece and how I could get there.     

Saturday 21 February 2015

Anatomy Sketches

Here are some human anatomy sketches. I still need a lot of practice but this is something I'll be practicing throughout my career, this is more of a snapshot of where I am with my human anatomy knowledge at the moment.
I want to continue these sketches and help develop my knowledge while experimenting with different characters and planning my character for my final piece. I want to be able to know how my final character moves with their body as well as through their personality.

Monday 16 February 2015

McManus Gallery

Here are some of the sketches I did while I was at the McManus Gallery. The ones in pencil are the ones I did on the monday and the blocked out one with pen is the one I did during my class visit.
Also sorry for the quality of the pictures, whenever I scan them using uni scanners, it washes out all the detail ie not usable. I always find it fun walking around galleries and sketching what appeals to me, because of this project I decided to stick to faces/portraits. My favourite sketch is the one below, I always find old men and woman easier and fun to draw - mostly because of the texture and visual interest in the face that young people don't have.

Friday 13 February 2015

Drawing: A Complete Guide by Giovanni Civardi

Here are some scanned pages from the book Drawing: A Complete Guide by Giovanni Civardi. This book is very useful in terms of reference and the human anatomy, these are only a few select pages I've scanned. I will use what I've learnt from this book into my drawings and sketches to help my further understanding of the human body.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Experimenting with Self Portrait 2

Here are some more edits I did of my self portrait. I just did this for fun really, this could turn into something outside of this project with a bit more work like, like business cards or something. But again, this was mostly for fun.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Experimenting with the Self Portrait

I recently watched Big Eyes at the DCA and thought it was really interesting so I made some more edits to my self portrait just for fun. Below is a picture of one of Margaret Keane's painting along side one of my sketches I did of it. Also the edits I did to my self portrait too.

Monday 9 February 2015

Self Portrait

Here is my work in progress screenshots of my self portrait. I used a picture as reference to help start me off with the initial sketch but then moved onto using a mirror as reference. 
Throughout painting this I felt quite awkward, mostly because it was a portrait of me. I don't think I got the same effect I got with my Rembrandt painting, but this does look more like a modern self portrait. 

Below is the first intial painting I did, then theres the altered one when I used the liqufi tool to help me correct some of the mistakes I made with the face. I changed it so my face isnt as long or my forehead as large, a much more rounder overall shape. 
Overall I do think that this edit has made this painting much better and I'm reasonably happy with the over all outcome of the painting. 

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Digital Photo Study

Here is my digital version of my photo study of Rembrandt's self portrait. I am alot more happy with how this turned out, I'm far more comfortable with digital painting than I am with traditional.

However, I feel like I haven't learnt as much with this painting as I did with my traditional one, I do however have a new favourite brush! I feel like I need to move on from photo studies and fast if I want to develop as an artist, my fear is that I'll come to rely on images too much.

Over all I really enjoyed painting this and will take what I learned into my other projects and put it into practice as my next step will be to create a self portrait in a similar visual style as this.