Monday 19 January 2015

CAP Proposal

My future goals are to be an Illustrator and Visual Development Artist for films and for this project I am going to focus on the skills needed to achieve this.

In my previous semester I did the 2D character design brief, it helped me a lot when it came to the design process however due to time management and other issues my rendering skills fell short at the final hurdle. The project has made me more self-aware about the work I produce and the design process and pipelines of projects.  
For this semester I want to focus on my digital painting skills. My future goals is to work in the film industry as an Illustrator and Visual Development artist and enhancing my rendering skills will be very beneficial. I’ve also little experience when it comes to human anatomy and character design so this will also be a major focus for me during this semester. 

I want to start this project by getting back to my roots of when I would paint portraits all the time, except I want to challenge myself by focusing on character design and my painting skills. I would like to sketch and design a varity of different characters and then focus on one that I am happy with, get to know this character in the way they move and think before starting a final piece. This I believe would help me in my painting and drawing skills and improve my design process for future projects.   

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