Friday 30 January 2015

Traditional Photo Study

Here I attempted to create a photo study of one of Rembrandt's self portraits. I went out and got some paint supplies from The Works, they were all very cheap so I wasn't expecting much of quality from them however I didn't expect the bristles from the paint brushes to come off constantly while I was painting which was extremely annoying. 

I did a quick sketch of the painting, not in too much detail because I will be painting over it etc. I haven't done traditional painting properly in years, so this was a bit daunting for me and I didn't know what the result would be and I was anxious about disappointing myself too. I had difficulties that I hadn't encountered since I moved to digital such as being able to have the line art on the top layer until you're painting could support itself. With traditional I had to paint over it which was horrible and I felt lost for the first part of the painting. I did however enjoy it.

As you can see below, is some of my process when painting this. Throughout the process the painting kept changing shape and expression. Again this is not something that I'm used to when I paint digitally as I usually have a plan in my head and know exactly what I want to create. This could hinder me in the future and I think its a bad habit over all, I should take the time to learn to just paint without a massive expectation which is what I started to learn while painting this.
Overall I'm not too pleased with the outcome of the painting but I have leant a lot from this painting and I hope to incorporate that into my future paintings.

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